US to impose US $ 500 billion tariff on Chinese products


US President Donald Trump announced his intention to impose duties on imports from China, worth US $ 500 billion, which would mean the third battery of charges for the Asian country until now of the year.

"We think a lot, I'm ready to reach 500 (one billion dollars)," Trump said in an interview with CNBC

According to EFE, Trump would evaluate this decision by considering that his country is scammed by China , and when he consulted on the economic impact that rates could bring, explained that this was not a matter of interest.

The first US government coup took place on July 5, with rights on Chinese products worth 34 billion US dollars. Then China took an identical step. Subsequently, the Trump country imposed tariffs of 10% on products imported from China, for a value of 200 billion US dollars. It is important to note that the United States is China's largest trading partner.

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