USA announces that it will impose 10% tariff on Chinese products for $ 200,000 million


US President Donald Trump ordered the imposition of new tariffs of 10% on products imported from China worth $ 200 billion, according to the Office of the Trade Representative (USTR, in English)

The measure adopted by the Trump government is a retaliation for Beijing's response to the first tariffs imposed by Washington .

Last Friday, tariffs came into force As part of a first $ 50 billion tax package, China reacted with identical measures for an amount of 25 billion $ 34 billion (19459005). "Due to China's retaliation and lack of changes in their practices, the president ordered the USTR to initiate the process of imposition of 10% tariff on 200,000 million additional Chinese imports, "said in a statement this agency responsible for trade ex

Along with this order, the USTR has attached a list of more than 200 pages to the products concerned with the samples, among which include fruits and vegetables, cereals, products of animal origin, wood, boats or building materials. 19659006] Products Affected

The list also includes chemicals, fuels, tobacco and alcohol, textiles, answering machines and photographic and video materials, among others. "For more than a year, Trump administration has patiently urged China to abandon its unfair practices, to open its market and to participate in genuine competition in the market," the USTR

. "We have been – it has added – very clear and precise with regard to the specific changes that China should undertake, unfortunately China has not changed its behavior, a behavior that jeopardizes the l & # 's 39, the future of the American economy ".

The USTR announced that it would proceed with a process of public notification and comments before the new tariffs come into effect.

Trump has already warned China of the imposition of new tariffs of $ 200 billion in retaliation. also warned against a possible third tax package of $ 300,000 million if the Asian giant returned to respond.


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