USA: executed murderer who pleaded to enter "homosexual panic" | World


The state of Ohio executed a murderer who had attempted to justify his crime by mentioning having suffered an attack of " Panic Gay ", an argument widely criticized but used on the legal plan.

Robert Van Hook 58 years old, was sentenced to death for mortally stabbing and mutilated a man met in a Cincinnati bar in 1985.

Before receiving the lethal injection, he died. man is excused between tears in Lucasville prison, as reported by the media witnesses of the execution.

Van Hook's lawyers used a controversial defense to try to reduce the punishment of his sponsored, alleging that the violence was committed under the guise of his repulsion against homosexuals and their actions in general. However, that did not succeed.

It is worth mentioning that this argument made it possible, in United States to modify the sentences of murderers who claimed to have acted in a state of panic caused by the coming together of a person of the same sex

. the defense against "homosexual panic" is exempted from the US criminal codes, so that it is much fought by the organizations of psychiatrists, lawyers and groups LGTBI . [ad_2]
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