USA launches US $ 12 billion plan for farmers affected by tariffs


The United States Government launched a $ 12,000-million plan to compensate US farmers harmed by tariffs in other countries in retaliation for those approved by the United States. President Donald Trump

Sonny Perdue, Secretary of State for Agriculture of United States announced that the ministry he directs has authorized programs to $ 12 billion help for affected farmers, an amount that looks like impact estimated by the executive of Trump .

"This is a short-term solution to allow President Trump to have the time to work on long-term trade agreements that benefit agriculture and the whole world. United States economy "Lost said in a statement

According to this memo, Trump ordered Lost e develop a short-term strategy to protect agricultural producers while their administration is working on "free, fair and reciprocal" trade agreements to open longer-term markets and help US farmers compete in the world.

"The president has promised to cover the backs of all American farmers and breeders, and he knows the importance of keeping our rural economy strong," added the Secretary of Agriculture.

soybean producers, milk producers and pork producers, some of the sectors most punished by taxes imposed by China and other countries, according to US media.

In this sense, Lost considered that the farmers of USA "They were treated unfairly by the illegal commercial practices of China" and had a "disproportionate" impact. "The program we are announcing today helps to ensure that our nation's agriculture continues to feed the world and innovate to meet the demand."

The United States began a dreaded trade war in early July. China after trade relations between the two powers have been increasingly strained since the arrival of Trump in the White House.


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