USA Remove blocking sales and ZTE can do business again


ZTE can resell cell phones in the United States, but permission is not cheap.

Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, said on Friday that ZTE had no more blocking sales after the Chinese company paid a fine of 1,400 million US dollars.

The US government said the blockade was eliminated after ZTE deposited $ 400 million this week for a trust and paid $ 1,000 million in fines. This $ 1,400 million adds to the $ 892 million that ZTE paid in March 2017 to the United States Government

"Even though we have removed the blockade at ZTE, the Commerce Department will continue to monitor closely ZTE shares to ensure that they comply with US laws and regulations, "said Secretary Ross in the statement. "These obstacles – the suspended blockade, the US $ 400 million deposit and a team of Americans in the company – will allow the department to protect national security."

Friday's announcement comes a month after the US government and ZTE announced an agreement for the cellphone manufacturer to resell its products in the United States. in exchange for the payment of US $ 1,400 million.

Under this arrangement, ZTE avoids the blockade that the department itself generated in April that prevented ZTE from making US technology purchases; the blockade would last seven years. The Ministry of Commerce has accused ZTE of violating the terms of an agreement last year by illegally sending units to Iran and North Korea.

After the blockade for nearly a decade, the Chinese government has asked the United States to relax the fine imposed on ZTE, one of its best known companies, with Huawei, another Chinese company in trouble with the US government. Donald Trump, the president of the United States, said in May that he was working with the Chinese government to allow ZTE to return to business.

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