Venezuela: $ 1,200 million hijacked network of the state oil company


El País Petróleos de Venezuela Sociedad Anónima (PDVSA) does not have funds for looters. The US Department of Justice reported a Miami-based investigation that uncovered a corrupt network that diverted approximately $ 1.2 billion from the coffers of the 2014 Venezuelan national oil company between 2014 and 2015.

Operation Fuga Money – led by US agencies in coordination with the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Malta – led to the arrest of two suspects. One is Matthias Krull, a 44-year-old German who, according to the charge brought before a federal court in Miami, was a kind of star banker of the Chavist kleptocracy; Resident in Panama and former banker in Switzerland, Krull was surprised by the police at the Miami airport. The other is Gustavo Adolfo Hernández Frieri, 45 years old and Colombian citizen of the United States; He was arrested on the island of Sicily (Italy), will be extradited to the United States and reportedly used two of his firms in Miami to wash stolen property in Venezuela with fictitious investments. Police Search Six Other Accused

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