Venezuela: A child under 13 dies during protest in the country | World


A 13-year-old boy died in Ciudad Guayana, south of Venezuela after being shot in the middle of riots during a protest against flaws in the services of water and electricity.

Four Bolívar state police officers were arrested for that death occurred Monday night in the San Felix neighborhood, accused of using their "regulatory weapons" against the crowd, indicated a statement from the scientific police.

The disturbances, adds the document, come from a "manifestation for lack of water and light". However, a report from the regional police assures that the incidents occurred during the looting attempts.

Protests over lack of food and failures in the provision of basic services such as water and electricity multiplied in Venezuela .

According to the NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social, some 5,300 demonstrations were recorded in the country during the first half of 2018; about 30 a day.

Source: AFP

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