Venezuela | Nicolás Maduro ignores Iván Duque and claims that Alvaro Uribe will lead Colombia on Twitter | Trade | World | Latin America


The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro ignored on Tuesday the elected president of Colombia, Iván Duque and assured that he will be his political mentor, l 39; former president Álvaro Uribe who will lead the country on Twitter

Maduro who participates in Havana on the last day of the 24th Sao Paulo Forum, said that when the left was the majority in America Latin and the Caribbean, never persecuted right-wing governments. He even said, they founded the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), with the Colombian then in power, the right Álvaro Uribe .

"The birth certificate of Unasur was signed to the writing by Álvaro Uribe Vélez, current president of Colombia, will he preside over Colombia now, will not he preside over Twitter? Uribe runs Colombia, now, via Twitter, "Maduro said. ] "I did not learn the name of the elected president of Colombia, what is his name?" Cuque "I do not learn the name and I will not learn it", insists Maduro to the applause of the participants of the forum it is grouped with the parties of left of Latin America.

Duque political godfather of ex-president Alvaro Uribe, will assume the charge on August 7th. Recently, the elected president went to Washington where he met with US Vice President Mike Pence, with whom he agreed to pressure the Maduro government through diplomatic channels

. May 20, and they are fighting for a transition to free elections in this country.

"The elected president, led by the Twitter of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, or who will govern, the Twitter of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, on the right, we will see then", a declared the Venezuelan president, who has in the right Uribe a fierce opponent and critic

. On Tuesday, Cuban President and host Miguel Díaz-Canel also participated. At the meeting, Bolivian President Evo Morales criticized Colombia's entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), saying the pact is synonymous with war.

Source: AFP

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