Victoria Ruffo provokes controversy with commentaries on Eugenio Derbez's films


The actress ironicly refers to the film of her ex-wife

  Victoria Ruffo arouses controversy with commentaries on the films of Eugenio Derbez

Victoria Ruffo and Eugenio Derbez [19659004] Have they already smoothed? The conflicts between Eugenio Derbez and Victoria Ruffo have attracted the attention of the press for a long time, during a recent meeting with the Mexican press, the name of the actor appeared and the diva of the surprise serials with her

And when asked about the success of Eugenio Derbez with his films, Victoria Ruffo says that "Thank God" did not see any of his productions.

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"No, thank goodness, I have not seen any (film by Eugenio Derbez) They do not attract my attention, even in one of them. 39; between them my son (José Eduardo) leaves and half loves to support him and be with him in the end, "said the actress laughing

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Despite his ironic commentary on the actor's films, Ruffo expressed his admiration for the artistic career of the artist. Derbez

"I respect Eugenio a lot, I respect his talent and his work, he is a man who has achieved all of his objectives, the tenacity that has always respected and admired him", he said. he says.

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