Video of an anti-Muslim rant of a woman on a NYC bus will make you angry


A video posted for the first time on YouTube on Wednesday became viral on social media for its overwhelming content. This is a clip that was originally recorded on one of the MTA transit system buses in New York City. In the video, a woman launches into an anti-Muslim rant against another woman wearing a headscarf, insulting her accent and threatening that the Customs and Immigration Office (ICE) is around the corner. street, among other things.

In the video, the woman who went to the diatribe identifies as "Ashley". For the duration of the clip, which lasts half a minute, no one has come forward to defend the woman in the headscarf.

Thousands of people shared the video on Twitter, including the daughter of Martin Luther King, Bernice King, who blasted the woman for "dehumanizing another human and behaving without dignity" . The king did not limit his criticism to the anti-Muslim ragot; she also criticized another passenger on the bus who seemed to smile.

"The smiling man with headphones on [is] so symbolic of one of the reasons why there is a resurgence of open racism and hateful rhetoric," King tweeted.

CNN identifies Marco Lao as the person who recorded the video. Newsweek reported that Lao posted on the incident on Reddit and gave a context for what happened on Wednesday. The Reddit user wrote that the woman strung into the headscarf boarded the bus by the back door because the bus is too crowded, she has a pram.

Unwittingly, according to Lao, the woman boarding accidentally "repeatedly triggered the proximity alarm of the door", which led the white woman to "scream:" away the door of the door! At this point, Lao wrote on Reddit that the woman in the headscarf looked at the enraged white woman who then initiated "talking aloud" to the woman with a pram. "

At one point, 39; verbal attack woman said that she is also an American citizen, to which "Ashley" replied, "you not a citizen.You can not even speak English."

At another time of his table, "Ashley" told the woman that ICE should take away her children and she sang: "Oh, I'm a citizen! Why do you put your middle finger in place? Are you angry? T & # 39; Are you mad? "

The woman also went to Lao and told her her name and said she was fighting with" a muslim chick who thinks he has sex. " rights that she did not have. "" Ashley "then said: Oh, wait, is this ice cream? Oh, mom, they are here for you! "

On Twitter, the disturbing video not only sparked criticism for" Ashley "and his rant diatribe, some social media users also pointed to the silence of others on the bus.The director of communications of Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison Dan Riffle tweeted "If you're in a bus like that and someone starts screaming racist to another person but you do not do anything like everyone on this bus, you are the problem. "

The woman's anti-Muslim rant comes just a week after another woman, Anne Marie Messiano, verbally harassed passengers in an MTA bus. Messiano was later arrested for harassment and disorderly behavior for his behavior in the transit system of the city. In a similar clip shared online, Messiano can be seen shouting against immigration and using the n-word.

Incidents like these have forced some social media users to create tips to help victims in such cases, especially through the intervention of the spectators. A Twitter user said : "Remember that the ultimate goal of spectator intervention is harm reduction: do not be a hero, do not make a statement, do not change notice nor make headlines. everyone involved as safe as possible. "

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