Vilcatoma calls for the expulsion of Letona from Fuerza Popular Bank | Peru | Politics


The congressman Yeni Vilcatoma asked for the expulsion of the headquarters of Fuerza Popular from his colleague Ursula Letona for blocking a request that the Supervisory Commission investigate alleged irregularities in Promperú.

By a document sent to the incumbent spokesperson Popular strength Carlos Tubino, Vilcatoma He assured that the conduct of Letona "was not probable" and, for this reason, he requested his separation from the majority caucus.

"He used all his power to obtain the file of the request of the Control Commission, which aimed to investigate allegations of irregularities" in Promperú, indicates the document sent to Tubino.

Vilcatoma said that Letona had "seriously" violated Articles 5 and 14 of the Congress rules and the code of ethics of this power, as well as the anti-corruption agreements.

As we recall, the Congressional Taxation Committee had asked the plenary session to grant the faculties 120-day investigative commission to inquire about the advertising contract of the company. a million dollars signed with Sony Music Entertainment Colombia SA from Promperú.

The contract stipulated the making of two video clips in Peru, one of which was taken from the song "Mañana" by Colombian Carlos Vives.

Letona left the position of Fujimorismo spokesperson, after the leader of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, announced a series of measures to resume dialogue with the government and other political parties.

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