Viral Instagram: James Rodríguez receives an emotional message from his mother after the elimination of Colombia from the World Cup | Depor | goose mana App


The defeat of the Colombian national team against England in the round of 16 of the World Cup has hit coffee fans hard. Many of them have suffered, although very few have done like the football player James Rodríguez whose sadness motivated his mother to write a viral message Instagram .

"We would like things to be different, to see a child crying, that's what the mother wants the least, these tears are those of an exceptional human being, those of a great professional, you left everything on the ground, that's why I understand your impotence, "placed the mother of James Rodríguez in Instagram .

Attached to a picture that showed the immense sorrow of the situation, the woman claimed to have seen the struggle of her Also, the mother of James Rodríguez hinted that the defeat against the English was unfair

"I've been witness to the way you fought and prepared day after day to get here, but the times and situations that go through our lives have a teaching and a purpose, even though they are not the same. they seem unjust, you are a man of God and we know that these are his moments, not ours, "he wrote in Instagram .

In men The fans of James Rodríguez liked the publication more than 83 thousand times.The comments, on the other hand, turned out to be only 50.

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