Viral YouTube: An instructor disembarks a child before jumping from a zip line | video | Social networks | Fb | trends


A joke of bad taste. The scary words that a zipline instructor told a child who was about to jump several meters tall generated various comments on YouTube.

The video was uploaded on this platform and the child is seen using all the safety tools and holding a rope, ready to jump off the zip line; but the non-alienating comments of his instructor remind the child of the danger he runs.

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"Many children have fallen here over the years, but not all of them are dead "; "If the rope breaks and you fall, try to fall on the wheels, the helmet is plastic, but something will protect you," he said to the man who recorded the video before the share on YouTube.

Images were reproduced on Facebook where they became viral and put the instructor in trouble for his tasteless joke, following which he was interviewed by the Spanish TV show Telecinco, where he said: I was going to extend … It's a joke that all parents knew, they were informed, it's a joke that repeats itself every year. "

We see the child with his face close to tears and say:" You scare me, I do not want to throw myself "Despite the" warnings "negative, the child ends up jumping, pushed by another adult. "I like when they pout, uncle," finishes the man.

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