Viral YouTube: Unusual! Banco Italiano accepts cheeses as collateral for loans [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 3 | Social networks | Youtube


You can not believe the story we are going to tell you. In YouTube we come across a video turned viral and about the history of an Italian bank that accepts the famous Parmesan as a loan guarantee.

Bank that had this great ideal is: Credito Emiliano. The company is located in the heart of the Emilia Romagna region and maintains this original policy with its customers since 1953.

In the video of YouTube they explain that it all started because in those years As Italy had left the war and the country was in ruins, some producers were forced to sell their cheese in advance to get money and keep their businesses afloat.

Aware of this, the bank proposed to advance this money in exchange for keeping cheese as collateral. And Parmesan was the best option because, logically, it was going to increase its value over the years and they were not wrong.

Parmesan cheese is all the more valuable as the older it gets, the more the bank now has 300 thousand wheels of this food in its vaults and has a value of more than 160 million euros, as explained in the video of YouTube.

But all this policy would not only be a brilliant economic initiative but, as explained the directors of Credito Emiliano it is also an engagement of the entity with producers in the region and its product more

Here is the viral history of YouTube .

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