Vladimir Putin and the umbrella of the 2018 Russian final


Milenio Digital

This afternoon, while the French team was hoping to have the World Cup ] after becoming the champion of the 2018 Russian World Cup there was an unintentional protagonist who attracted the attention of the social networks: the umbrella of Vladimir Putin .

After the triumph of Les Bleus a torrential rain fell on the ground of the Luzhniki stadium. On the podium, the president of FIFA, Gianni Infantino the president of the host country Vladimir Putin and the leaders of the two countries who fought for the title: Emmanuel Macron on the side of France and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic but there was only one umbrella to prevent the leaders and the president of the football association from to soak. The guy was Putin.

Macron and Grabar-Kitarovic each received Croatian players kissing them despite their total immersion as evidenced by the costume of the French president and the hair of the Croatian president.

It took a few minutes before someone arrived with an umbrella for each of the present, while Putin was happy and dry, greeting the players. This, of course, has generated controversy in social networks.

While some have pointed out the immense power available to the Russian leader, others have questioned the rudeness with which the former KGB agent is known.

In Russia, only Putin gets an umbrella.

Save on the budget now. They only brought an umbrella and that is for Putin. I will not share it

A little over a year ago, a video called attention to show Putin under a torrential rain at a posthumous ceremony to a soldier. On this occasion, the Russian President decided to put aside his umbrella.


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