Watchdog says Maxine Waters insists on the "violence of the crowd"


The leader of a conservative watch group said Thursday that Democrat Representative Maxine Waters urged the "mob of violence" to call the protesters to face Trump officials in public, while he asked for an official ethical investigation on Capitol Hill.

"When you're there … inciting violence against members of the Trump Cabinet, it does not credibly reflect on the House," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, at "Fox & Friends ". "And the House must decide whether it will allow its members to use the House as a platform and its power and position to attack and incite violence."

Judicial Watch had previously sent a letter to the Congressional Ethics Office calling for an investigation into whether the California Democrat had violated the rules of ethics by making remarks in Los Angeles telling supporters to "repel" Trump officials seen in public. 19659004] "If you see someone from this firm in a restaurant, a department store, a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd and you push them away! "These comments came after White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and homeland security Kirstjen Nielsen were forced to leave the restaurants in the middle of the controversy," Waters said. last month.

Waters has since declared that she did not call for violence and accused President Trump of lying about her comments.

But Fitton, in his letter, wrote that his remarks were in violation of House rules requiring representatives to conduct themselves "in a manner that must credibly reflect on the House."


Fitton said Thursday that Waters should be reprimanded or

"You can bet that there is an increase in security costs for all cabinet officials because of his rhetoric and comments, "he said.

He also encouraged voters to urge their representatives to act by reprimanding Waters.

" In my opinion "There is so much danger for Trump's supporters and for Trump's officials that someone must intervene and repress them, House has an opportunity here," he said.

Trump was at the head of the crackdown on Waters, and claimed that she is "the FACE of the Democratic Party."

"Her declamation and delirium, even referring to herself as a wounded animal, will make people flee the democrats!", He tweeted on Tuesday.


Comments and other protests from Waters Trump officials were outraged by outrage over the consistent practice separating illegally captured families from the border, due to the government's "zero tolerance" policies, Trump has since moved to end these separations.

Democratic leaders, on the other hand, have pushed back Waters comments: Nancy Pelosi, Democratic House leader, distanced himself from Waters remarks, while Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer told the Senate that harassment of political opponents was "unfair" and not "American."

Waters expressed surprise at being criticized by other Democrats.

"One of the things I recognize, being an elected one, is that in the final analysis, leadership … will do whatever it deems necessary to protect their leadership. and so what I need to do is not focus on them, "said Waters on MSNBC

Fox News' Alex Pappas contributed to this report.

Adam Shaw is a reporter covering the United States and Europe politics for Fox News .. It can be reached here.

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