"We will be hard in all this, we will apply all that the law gives us"


The new Attorney of the Nation, Pedro Chávarry said on Sunday that he will act with all the tools of the law against the suspended Supreme Judge, César Hinostroza who is involved in a suspected traffic of influence in the system of corruption discovered in the national justice system.

As explained, from the public prosecutor's office, they will establish the sanction request that Hinostroza deserves for the facts that he considered "damaged the image of the Judiciary". However, referring to the case of corruption to which the supreme judge is bound, said that it is not possible to disqualify all the people mentioned by Hinostroza in the audios.

" The procedure is provided by law, we will be hard in this, we will apply to all that the law gives us The audios continue to arrive, we will establish the sanction that it merit, there will be commitment, we will be hard, "he said Sunday Fourth Power

Deprived of his defense

that he assumed public office, Chávarry commented that he knows the judge for many years, but they are not friends.

He added that at no point did he promise a favor by talking about the process of 39; registration of complaints that asked him to process his visa in the United States

Answered criticism

Chávarry also referred to the questioning of members of the executive to his appointment after the broadcast of his conversation with Hinostroza and stated that the Public Prosecutor's Office is an autonomous entity whose Council of Prosecutors decided that he was the right person to preside over it. He responded directly to the Minister of Justice, Vicente Zeballos, who asked him to withdraw.

"There is an ignorance on the part of the Minister of the situation (…) He does not know the interpretation that we gave him to the public prosecutor on my oath (…) Here there is no legal problem, there is no problem of questioning, because the board of directors considered that it was the person for whom it was had been agreed to be prosecutor of the Nation and free from any suspicion. "

Links with Blanca Nélida Colán

The Chief of Public Prosecutor was also against the links established by the minister of his person to the former advisor of the Nación, Blanca Nélida Colán, in 1994, when she was appointed Secretary General of the Public Prosecutor's Office. He explained that he was the secretary of the institution and not the former prosecutor

"The 94 was the first government of (Alberto) Fujimori, a step in which no irregularities "was detected, the public prosecutor's office grew well, the irregularities were the second government, at that time I was in the room," he said.

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