Wendy Ramos: "I do not watch television, I feel it does not give me anything" |


He still feels "scared" before going on stage. The nerves that were revived with the release of his first book – Journal of a Lost Cow & # 39; (Planeta, 2018), which was done with "the people of my murito" in reference to those who follow her on Facebook. It's like when it was the first episode of "19459005" Pataclaun & # 39; . Before starting the interview, he warns me that I will have to swim in his words. "We'll go get the branches," he suggests. Welcome to the world of Wendy Ramos .

In the book, one of the topics that he addresses is happiness. How can you be happy today?
I still have cases of Eyvi and Juanita moored. I can not be happy And in addition to all this audios. How do you not see this and be happy for a moment?

What is the recipe against misfortune?
I try to be happy. It makes me happy to eat a panettone, see my sisters. The other day in Chiclayo I almost cried of happiness while having lunch. It's like when at age 51 you discover something you've never eaten in your life. I like learning a lot.

What's bothering you?
When you read the comments of people who say that Eyvi deserved what has happened to him, or who is questioning what he will have done. Or in the case of Cueva and people who say that they would have said the same thing. There are people you think that do not exist, but they do exist.

What is done against that?
If you look a little more about who is around you, if you look a little more at yourself, at the treatment of what hurts you. Because these people have to go through ugly things that do not treat themselves and start filling themselves with the worst, and there comes a time when they can not contain it and throw it away. For those people who live by complaining all the time what can happen to them to live that way permanently. I try to surround myself with people who, at least, try to be good, who question things.

We always wonder why this is happening, but we rarely wonder what we are doing to prevent it from happening.
I am a communicator. When I studied, I realized that what they taught us was, one way or the other, changing the world. But when I started working, I realized that no one in the media wanted to educate. He sold potos, tits and dead. It was frustrating and that's why I stood at Claun, because I found it an incredible communication vehicle, where we talked about what we wanted. For example, with & # 39; Cuerda & # 39; spoke of loneliness, freedom, how much it costs us to decide our lives and let go of the harmful things. When they ask me to give workshops for companies, I put other topics that interest me for them to think about or change certain behaviors. I always hope that the things I do can serve somebody.

Although he defines himself as a lost cow.
Rebel, because I do not like to go where everyone goes.

When were you lost?
I think it comes from my orphan. I have been an orphan since I was little. My mother died when I was four years old. And it makes me different. At school, she was the only orphan. At that time, there were not even children of divorced parents. I was a rarity. In addition, my eyes were half turquoise, a very rare color. I inherited the clothes of my sisters, who had super original tastes; so my clothes were always different. And I got used to that. Then I had a friend whose family raised the cattle and everything that happened compared with the cows. One day, I do not know what I did, he said to me: "You are a lost cow". It was nice and I kept that.

What was your father's role in his formation?
He worked at FAP and with me it was amazing. He was a cool teacher. We were friends. He died 11 years ago. I like to study and I think that has to do with it. Curiosity is something very strong in me. As it happened with the claun, I entered without knowing what it was about and I fell in love. The other thing my dad had was that he was super correct. It's something that I like a lot. I'm not going for shortcuts, I'm not going to give you a bribe.

Have you ever asked for a bribe?
Yes and I said no: "Take me, give me my ballot, I will not pay you anything". They took me to the police station. "Call your boss", I asked and told him: "Put me and him the newsletter because he asked for money." "Yeah, go ahead," they said.

What was the hardest thing to face?
When you lose very big things. Not knowing if what you are doing is right or wrong. Close Bolaroja was difficult.

The end of Pataclaun?
The sad thing was when it was over and nothing happened. I thought everyone was going to call me. I had to lift my little body and start again. And so Bolaroja was born.

What did Bolaroja teach him?
To lead a group. I was a beautiful right hand. And suddenly, I was in front and I felt like Forrest Gump when he runs and people follow him. The delegation cost me my life.

What did you learn with Pataclaun?
To do things right. Do not be afraid, question. "Pataclaun in the city" talked about terrorism and a complicated period.

Is there a lack of critical thinking today?
There is a lot of copy. It's time to sit down and think about how we want to build. I do not watch TV, I feel it does not bring me anything.

What's missing from Wendy Ramos?
I hope to always teach. I'm doing a workshop that is "clown tools for life".

And what are these tools?
Lose the fear of failure, lose the fear of life, break the routines and admire the things you see. Do not lose the ability to surprise us.

"I was born in Pueblo Libre, I studied communications at the University of Lima, then I took workshops The only thing I did on TV was "Pataclaun" and "Carita de tuna" at the cinema, I made an appearance in & # 39; Asu mare! 1 & # 39; and I'll do another one in "Asu mare! 3". I've also done it at 40 & # 39; Locos de amor 2 & # 39; Cebiche de tiburón & # 39 ;. "

" I always come back to the movies "La vida es bella" and "Cinema Paradiso & # 39; Now, I'm sick with the series, like "Game of Thrones," "Breaking Bad," "Black Mirror," – La "paper house," & "Merlí" I met Merlí in Barcelona.My friends took me by surprise to a room where he was. "

" Before get on stage, far from feeling calmer, I feel more nervous The more I do it, the more I have the responsibility to present something well done. I do not want people to leave the theater and forget what they have just seen. I will start writing my next unipersonal "By the branches" "

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