What strength! Yola Polastri destroyed without mercy Michelle Soifer | Shows


The well-known infant animator, Yola Polastri did not have compassion for Michelle Soifer and destroyed her with a comment that minimized its artistic quality, in reference to its participation in the program of Gisela Valcárcel .

In addition, she pointed out that the reality girl is an "improvised" whereas a person who left "half-naked" in a youth program "I will never accept that someone who goes half naked or has a broken down life, does a show for children, there is a Yola who can defend the children's world and I will do it" [19659003] She also added that " Claro (who is improvised) .She can work on her show (reality show), put on her floss and participate in the Gisela program, but not be in a program for children. "

The anime The children announced that they will be part of the special jury at the end of the program in which Michelle Soifer will participate

" I will go to the invitation that m & # 39, gave Gisela (Valcárcel) .I examined imitations and participants.I saw her musical numbers and she was t one of the participants, but has a big name for the program "says Trome.

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