What to keep in mind before asking for a pay raise?


By estrategiaynegocios.net

Every day there are employees who are asking for a pay raise, hoping to improve their economic situation or reward their efforts, but, What's needed it take into account when requested?

Alejandra Osorio, Adecco's head of training and advising on the subject and the emotional salary, states that the employee must take performance into account. In this assessment, there are several items that are considered capable of approving or not an increase.

According to Osorio, the first thing that is evaluated is the performance of the collaborator. "If the collaborator had an optimal performance and respected all their KPIs, that's a point.But not only will the performance be."

It is also taken into account not only in terms of the Employee, but also in the growth trends of the market. In addition, considers inflation and the ability of the company to make the increase based on pay equity of other employees.

According to the expert, between asking for an increase or waiting for the employer the offer, it will depend on the situation.

"If I am in a company where I have not had an increase for two years and I do not intend any intention, I also consider that my performance is adequate, right to this request Of course, taking into account the situation of the company. The salary increase should not be a bargaining tool for employees and say "I'm leaving because I'm paid more in another company. "

He also mentioned that the salary increase should not be blackmail.Businesses must ensure that employees receive the benefits they need. "They bring value to the company and I must also be the opposite."

"The investment that companies make in terms of pay is one of the strongest areas . Simply paying to pay can become a non-return expense. It is necessary to construct remunerative schemes strategically analyzed. If we choose wages, we do not have a clear strategy and we do not invest money properly. "

In the event that the company can not raise the salary at that time, Osorio said that can choose the emotional salary that covers all the non-monetary items that can be offered as a value proposition , ] which attempts in one way or another to motivate the collaborators.

Finally, he mentions that this type of salary has a strong aspiration because the collaborator can be motivated by the flexible time, development, opportunities for growth, etc. it must cover the money of its expenses.

"The emotional salary completes in a small proportion the non increase of the salary; but that's for a short time, "he said.

With the management information

Worth and need, two terms that differ when it s'. "When you ask for an increase in salary to your employer, what should you take into account?"

We spoke with Alejandra Osorio, director of training and board of directors. Adecco, of this problem and its emotional salary

It tends to be done annually to take into account the performance of the collaborator.In this evaluation, there are several elements that are considered capable of approving or not

According to Osorio, the first thing that is evaluated is the employee's performance. "If the employee had an optimal performance and respected all their KPIs, that's a point. But not only will the performance be. "

He also clarified that the market is taken into account, not only according to the employee, but also to the trends of the market increase.In addition, inflation and the ability of the 39, company to increase according to the pay equity of other employees are taken into account

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In another moment, it mentions that between asking or increasing ; empl eater, the situation.

"If I am in a company where I have not had an increase for two years and I do not intend any intention, I also consider that my performance is adequate, even at the top, I have all right to this query Of course, taking into account the situation of the company.The pay rise should not be a bargaining tool for employees and say "I'm going because that I am paid more in another company, "

He also mentioned that the salary increase should not be blackmail, employees receive the benefits they need." They bring value to the company. Company and I must also be the opposite. "

" The investment that companies make in terms of wages is one of the strongest areas. Simply paying to pay can become a non-return expense. It is necessary to construct remunerative schemes strategically analyzed. If we choose wages, we do not have a clear strategy and we do not invest money properly. "

In the event that the company can not do the salary increase at this time, Osorio said that you can choose the emotional salary that covers all the non-monetary items that can be offered as a proposal for value, trying to Finally, he mentions that this type of salary has a strong aspiration because the collaborator can be motivated by the flexible time, the development, the possibilities of growth among others, but it must also cover the 39. Money of its employees Expenditure "The emotional salary completes in a small proportion the non-increase of the salary; but that's for a short time. "

salary increase Adecco emotional salary Alejandra Osorio

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