Which air routes generate the most revenue for airlines?


Airline profits have risen sharply in recent years

Airline profits have risen sharply in recent years and 2018 is announced as a record year thanks to an 11% increase over the previous year. the International Air Transport Association (IATA), airline profits will reach 38,400 million US dollars.

And the reasons for this growth are numerous. the increasing number of people boarding a plane to raise fares, thanks to the existence of a greater flight offer.

Regarding the last point, there are air routes that generate much more money than others What are the key segments and which airlines benefit?

The road of 1,000 million US dollars

According to a report by the British airline research company OAG, there is already a route that already exceeds the US $ 1 billion revenue threshold for an airline.

And that is the case LHR-JFK route, namely the route from Heathrow Airport to London, United Kingdom, to John Fitzgerald Kennedy in New York, United States United States, operated by British Airways (BA).

  British Airways 'London-New York route generated revenue of more than 1,000 million US dollars in one year
British Airways' London-New York line generated over 1,000 revenues million dollars in one year

This trip gave the British company an income of Between April 2017 and March 2018, US $ 1,037,724,867

The route accounted for 6% of BA's revenue in 2017 and had 42,117 regular flying hours. And, surprisingly, this is not the most profitable segment if we consider gains per flight hour.

  The roads that generate the most revenue
The roads that generate the most revenue

US $ 24,639 for each hour in the air. But if this criterion is used, the prize will be awarded by the London Heathrow section at the Dubai International Airport (LHR – DXB) operated by the Emirates airline with US $ 25,308.

This road ranks third in the top 10 According to the OAG, they generate more revenue, with US $ 819,409,702.

Australia is the second country with the Melbourne-Sydney line, which generates an influx of money for Quantas airline for about US $ 854,692. 402.

  The flight time of the route that generates the most revenue is London-Dubai operated by Emirates with an amount of US $ 25,308
The flight time of the route that generates more revenue is London-Dubai operated by Emirates with an amount of US $ 25,308

London, at the top

As the OAG list points out, five of the top ten revenue producers are trips to or from London Heathrow Airport.

In addition to the above, in position 4, the Singapore Airlines flight from Heathrow to Singapore, with an income of US $ 709,730,107

  The routes from or to London are those generate the most revenue
The routes from or to London are the ones generating the most revenue

Cathay Pacific Airways is in seventh place with the Hong Kong-London route, with an entry of $ 631,855,868 US; and in eighth position Qatar Airways, with the London-Doha trip, with US $ 552,658,316

"The top 10 routes are also high-cost operations, which usually combine high-frequency, high-frequency services", says OAG in his statement: this is the case of the Melbourne-Sydney section with about 65 flights a day

Although these routes are the most expensive, they also include a high proportion of commercial traffic, last bookings minute and better performance, says the agency.

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