Wholesale lemon price increases by 18.9% so far in July in Lima


Up to now in July, the wholesale price of lemon has increased by 18.9% in the Lima metropolitan area according to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade. irrigation (Minagri).


According to the statistics of the Sistema of Supply and Price (SISAP), the wholesale price of the kilo of canned lemon was quoted on the 1st of this month in S / 1.22, and today it is he is sold at S / 1.45 . Minagri reports from the wholesale market of Lima, far from S / 0.92 that in early June the selling price of the kilogram of lemon wholesale.

Less Lemons

The increase in the cost of lemon is due to the fact that between 1945 and 004, the campaign is recorded. the bottom of the lemon and this year all crop fields have not recovered, explained Mario Laberry, regional director of agriculture of Piura.

The official estimated that between 20% and 30% of the lemon production areas are still recovering .

In an interview with the Daily Management noted that last year the decline was so strong that fell nearly 90% lemon production

" Although some growing areas have recovered, production for the months of August to October would decrease to 70% "he warned.

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