Wind energy: the interest of private companies and the legislation that limits them | Trade | Economy | Peru


A few days ago, Enel Green Power Peru inaugurated in Ica the largest wind power plant in the national territory, Wayra I. It is 165 million dollars that have consolidated company as the main producer of renewable energy of Peru (Wayra I joined several other projects). Just two months ago, the Spanish company Grenenergy began construction of the first Sierra wind power station (in Cajamarca), which will be parallel to another wind turbine to be developed in the north

, Peru is among the five most interesting countries to develop wind power projects, according to the index of attractiveness of renewable energies by country of EY .

But despite the interest of foreign companies in the potential that the national territory has a clean energy production, the fact is that the Peruvian legislation currently does not recognize for this type of energy. 39 energy, what is called "firm power", an indicator of reliability and guarantee for different types of energy sources. This does not allow energies such as wind to compete on equal terms, for example, fossils, explains Día1 Juan Coronado, president of the [1 9459004] Peruvian Renewable Energies Society

In this context, after l. Inauguration of Wayra I, Deputy Minister of Electricity, Raúl García, said the government is working on a "regulatory framework that will promote greater participation of renewable energy in the national electricity system, helping to achieve 100% Electrification of rural areas by 2021. "

However, the auctioning of new renewable energy projects is taking a year late: it was canceled due to the lack of electricity. an overabundance of electrical energy, says Coronado


According to the four renewable energy auctions carried out since 2008, 64 projects were awarded.

According to EY information, the estimated investment for these projects is equivalent. In this way, last year, the production of this type of energy (renewable) accounted for 5.06% of the total energetic energetic of the country. Hydroelectric generation accounted for the largest share (42.97%), followed by wind energy (40.42%), thermal biomass (11.62%) and solar energy (4%). 99%).

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