Woman survives a week after leaving the California cliff


BIG SUR, California – A couple on a camping trip found an Oregon woman who had survived for a week after her car passed over a cliff on the California coast, KION-TV reports

Hernandez, 23, was last seen on 6 July. She is recovering at a hospital in Templeton, California.

Chad and Chelsea Moore tell KION that they were looking for places to fish along the beach near Big Sur on Friday night. .

"We first saw a bumper and we said to ourselves," Hmm, there is a bumper, it's weird. "And then we came around another bend and saw the car" at the bottom of a 200-foot cliff, Chelsea said.

This was a 2011 white Jeep Patriot. They did not realize that search and rescue teams had been trying to locate the car for days.

When the Moores spotted the car, "It looked like there were no survivors … The car was really bad. There was no sign of people or blood or anything, "said Chelsea .cbsistatic.com / hub / i / r / 2018/07/16 / b5d77fb0-30c8-49ef-a6aa- b9cc34204b03 / resize / 620x / 049be8b45d47882256001f6512d9186a / angela-hernandez-source-of-foto-isabel-hernandez-and-kion -tv.jpg 1x "/>

Angela Hernandez in an undated photo


They started picking up objects from the Jeep, including the license plate, to hand them over to the forces of order.

The couple said that they were returning to their campsite about two or three kilometers from the beach. It was then that they found Hernandez

"We turned around and Angela was right there, in the rocks, she looked like hell, she was happy at the same time, she was really happy to see us. " "At that moment, we just panicked with adrenaline like, 'Oh my God, you were in this car we just saw and you are alive and you must be in need of it. help, "said Chelsea.

They said that Hernandez seemed OK and responsive, and they got help right away. Chelsea called 911 and brought back food and blankets while awaiting the arrival of the rescuers, and Chad stayed with Hernandez on the beach.


Chad and Chelsea Moore near the place where they found Angela Hernandez on July 13, 2018


Rescuers say that she seems to have suffered a concussion

The Moores say it was just a good timing that led them to Hernandez, and that it is a miracle that She survived.

"I can not believe you're Angela, if you're listening to that, you're a hero, it's unreal," Chad said.

"Total Legend She's here for a reason and we were there for a reason and we're so happy that she's Ok," said Chelsea, Hernandez later told the authorities that she had deviated from the Route 1 to avoid hitting a rabbit and escaping from the edge of the cliff to the rocky bottom.

Hernandez tells the Moores that she remembers flying through the river. air and the feeling of falling before being hit unconscious She said that she had awakened by filling her jeep, so she broke the driver's window with a multiple tool

To stay hydrated, Hernandez reportedly used a radiator hose from his vehicle to siphon the water from a nearby water course.

Hernandez was flown to the hospital. [19659023] © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.

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