Yahaira Plasencia claimed that it is natural after being compared with Melissa Klug | VIDEO | Shows


The singer Yahaira Plasencia was invited to the show América Televisión, In Boca de Todos, to participate in entertainment sequences. Some questions about celebrities, especially about Melissa Klug have not waited.

Plasencia participates in Ricardo Rondón's "La silla caliente" without imagining that he will have to answer some questions about Leslie Shaw, Flavia Laos and Mayra Goñi.

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In the middle of the sequence, the "Queen of Totó" was consulted by Rondón on if she was sexier than the aforementioned artists, to which he indicated no.

"Do you consider yourself sexier than Mayra Goñi?" Rondón asked her what she quickly replied "No, I think everyone has her style, I have mine and she has hers," she said. The same question was asked by mentioning Leslie Shaw and Flavia Laos, but Plasencia in all the examples had a negative answer.

Viewers have not hesitated to highlight the change of response that Yahaira had when Melissa Klug The singer's laughter drew attention to the drivers of the song. space, who immediately asked him about the reasons for his reaction

"No, what happens is that I laugh at the questions they ask me!" The owner of the boat, despite saying that she did not want more enemies, added to her comment that she was the most "natural"

In realizing her answer, Plasencia has tried to calm the situation. "I did not say to offend absolutely I do not want anybody anymore, (…) I do not want any more problems, please," he says. exclamated

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