Yahaira Plasencia: "Rebecca, Jefferson Farfán is your fan"


July 26, 2018 5:00 am

All indications are that the controversial salsa player Yahaira Plasencia has resumed conversations with her former partner, Jefferson Farfán

Otherwise, we do not understand how she is aware of the activities and what she thinks of the # 39; actress and host Rebeca Escrens READ MORE: Yahaira Plasencia spent an embarrassing moment after failing reading [VIDEO]

The Reina del totó visited American shows and together they recorded a video for their social networks

It is there that the interpreter commented maliciously: "For the one you die, the one you love I know you see your stories, he's your fan. "

Rebecca Escribens who always sends messages to the attacker of the national team and reciprocates, says that there is no doubt that Yahaira is still in contact with the player.

"It's more than obvious, although denying it," he said, a young artist.

LOOK ALSO: Yahaira Plasencia says that Daniela Darcourt is his favorite to win "The Artist of the Year"

The host recalls that a few weeks ago the person that she is talking about the boat of sauce (that would be Farfán), went to María Pía Copello's house and not to hers, he noted: "If I die for you. You left and I did not go home, but where Pia did, miserable. "


Yahaira Plasencia is silent when asked when he returned to the arms of Jefferson Farfán .

She says that she is single, but not alone

YOU CAN SEE: Rosángela Espinoza bears a strong accusation against Yahaira Plasencia [VIDEO]

"Of course, my parents and my brothers are by my side, they are my loves, "she laughs

La Rimense is in full promotion of her subject I know I missed you

Precisely Rebeca asked her question ] Yahaira Plasencia If he dedicated this song to someone, the salsera, laughing, replied: "Nobody, is the first song on my record."


Paola Arias, former boss of the ex-Foquita, was congratulated for his former pupil.

"He demonstrates that he emerged with his sacrifice. "I admire her quality of person because she is a very grateful girl and she is a people, not like other Yahairas."

"She came in through the front door and the audience followed," finished.


Yahaira rejected the dance again in Artist of the Year . In what was clear is that his favorites are the salsa Daniela Darcourt, with whom he has a public rivalry; Likewise, Shantall Oneto and Johanattan Rojas with green eyes. "I wish you good luck and the best," said the salsa.

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