Yahaira Plasencia resigned from & # 39; s "Artist of the Year & # 39;


Gisela Valcárcel announced that the singer and her team will not appear in the finale of reality

Video: "The Artist of the Year"

"What a big problem you got me Yahaira Plasencia by not coming to the final competition of the competition," Gisela Valcárcel declared at the beginning of the last gala who will define who will be The Artist of the Year? .

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Gisela reported that the singer decided to abandon the reality show.He claimed that Yahaira Placencia and his team agreed not to appear in the final of "L & # 39; "Artist of the Year." The host left a message to the salsa singer

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"I regret the decision made by Yahaira and his team. I'm sorry, it's always the same. Not only does it depend on her, but the musicians depend on her, orchestras, but they would have told us at one point, "she said Gisela .

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