Yerry Mina was (again) the savior of a Colombia who suffered the cruelty of the sentences – Diario Digital Our Country


Colombian Yerry Mina scores a goal for England. Agencia EFE

San Jose, July 3 (Elpaí – Colombian defender Yerry Mina returned to dress up as a hero with a key goal for his team at the 2018 World Cup, although unlike On other occasions, this time his team suffered from the bitterness of being out of the tournament on penalties.

The defender moving to Barcelona has reaffirmed himself as a deadly weapon in the heights after scoring his third World Cup goal in the clash of the eighth final against England

Substitute for the defeat of the 2-1 starts against Japan, Mina took possession of Poland and did not let go with good performances and especially with her goals.

Colombian Yerry Mina finishes to win the draw against England. Agencia EFE

Facing Poland in the match for the second round of the group stage against Poland, he scored the first goal of the 3-0 triumph and, in the last match, gave the ranking to his team with Another head to break the Senegal lock with the 1-0.

This Tuesday against the English the game has become very complicated from the start for the "Coffee Growers", not being able to count for this game with their brains, the "10 & # 39; James Rodriguez, who saw him on the stands because of an injury

The English team managed the match and forced Colombia to a maximum concentration exercise to keep the zero. Mina and her longtime partner Davinson Sánchez have taken on the heavy task of containing the attacks of Harry Kane, Raheem Sterling, Dele Alli and Jesse Lingard.

However, as it happened to the Japanese, by unfortunate action, the team led by Jose Pekerman was in the ropes after a controversial penalty called by US referee Mark Geiger. 19659010] Colombian Yerry Mina takes the lead to equalize against England. EFE Agency

The US judge sanctioned a handshake by Carlos Sanchez on Kane, in a room in which the Englishman first grabbed the Colombian's neck, however, Geiger pointed out that he had not been able to do anything. Clear and unusual offense of "Rock & # 39; . Despite the claims of 'Tiger & # 39; Falcao and company, the center of the shock did not resort to VAR. The striker and captain of England converted the penalty with a shot in the middle and put the 1-0.

Little by little, faced with the need, Colombia took the game to the rival zone. That was the key to Mina. His two previous goals had been through precise butts after good service by James and Juan Quintero. But previously, the desperation of the South Americans and the friction, accompanied by Geiger's deficient arbitration, seized the meeting.

The weather seemed to disappear and the dream of Colombia was to continue in the World Cup, but in the replacement Mateus Uribe, the good midfielder who went into the change and gave the freshness and the others dynamic to the team, took at 92 'an unexpected distant shoe that by the spectacular shot of goalkeeper Jordan Pickford on his left angle did not finish in the 1-1

The English goalkeeper Jordan Pickford receives a head of the Colombian Yerry Mina. Agencia EFE

However, in the corners derived from this tapada came the great Colombian joy. The skillful Juan Cuadrado performed the corner kick and the giant Mina increasingly dominated the center of the area at the thorny Harry Maguire and John Stones to take off the ground and beat Pickford and the lateral Kieran Trippier keeping the right post Only the German Paul Breitner had scored, in 1974, to be a defender, three goals in the same world cup. Mina now shares this success

The joy of Colombia exploded with the agonizing goal of the Barça defender. The & # 39; Cafeteros & # 39; sent the definition to the extension in which Mina and Sanchez continued their good work, beyond a fear of a left hand just diverted by Danny Rose, to protect the purpose of David Ospina .

Already in the penalty pool Falcao, Kane, Cuadrado, Rashford and Muriel have marked their accusations. Later, Ospina covered him in Henderson and Uribe, with the great opportunity to give more advantage to Colombia, crushed him on the crossbar. Trippier put the 3-3, Bacca could not with Pickford and Eric Dier sealed the English pass with the 4-3 final.

Colombians Yerry Mina (i) and Juan Cuadrado celebrate the goal of the draw against England. Agencia EFE

Happiness and the feast of the English contrast with the sadness of a Colombia who has left everything and dreamed for a moment. Many things have to do with the pride of Guachené, who leaves Russia in 2018 and as one of the figures of his team, despite the logical sadness of the elimination.

"I'm sad because we wanted to win the game, we gave everything, we left with pain, but hey, we have to lift our heads and thank this wonderful group that gave us the confidence. after all we fought, "said Mina after the match.

"Now everyone is sad, with a downer, but football is that, now it's time to get up". .___ gcfg = {lang: in-US & # 39;
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