YouTube: A garden spider kills a male after mating and feels on social networks | VIDEO | video | viral | trends


If you are afraid arachnids then this video shocks you. A garden spider has become viral on Youtube because the images show the terrifying encounter with a male of the same species. This happened in the city of New Bern, North Carolina, United States.

In video we can see how a singular spider stood in a gallery setting, but was accompanied by a male However, this fact motivated a woman to take out her cellphone to record the moment, which later was heartbreaking.

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While the garden spider was mating, she ended up killing the male and wrap it with his webs, which shocked the woman and YouTube users.

"I am an artist and owner of a gallery.This garden spider did his spider web on the door of my gallery last week.I helped him with the food throwing flies into his nets, but today, I did not notice that I had company and that I was able to film their love meeting, "he said. writes the woman in the description of video on YouTube.

These arachnids breed once a year, in addition to the garden spiders are located in However, if the male approaches the female when she is fully mating, she may die because she can feed the spiders. thousands of YouTube users.

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