YouTube: a toy car "sinks" on a cat and it reacts strangely | Video | Viral | Social networks | trends


Not to believe it! A cat became the protagonist of the new viral video on YouTube for an unexpected reason. What is it? It turns out that his owner was playing with a small remote control car when it suddenly collided with the cat by chance.

Feeling the slight impact, the cat began to throw himself on the floor as he had received a violent blow. As the YouTube viral video shows, the cat owner could not get up and let out a loud laugh because this scene seemed special and fun.

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"My cat is extremely fun.It is an excellent actor," wrote the girl in the description of the video that he posted on YouTube.

This strange scene was too much appreciated by YouTube users and the comment box shows it. "I can not stop laughing, the kitten knows how to simulate an accident," said a user.

The video has more than half a million views, about 8,000 likes and hundreds of comments on YouTube. There is no doubt that the cat has stolen the hearts of Internet users.

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