YouTube: found a nest of spiders, presented his arm and the result was terrifying | Viral | Animal | Video | Viral


A man and his children went on a hike, but in the route they found a spider's nest decided to disturb them and the worst happened . The YouTube video has become a trend

Warning : The following images are not suitable for people suffering from arachnophobia, but if you decide to watch them, it is your responsibility.

A YouTube video aroused the indignation of YouTube. More than a surfer who has not seen a good eye the performance of a man who taught his children nature during a trip. On their way they found a huge nest of spiders, the man decided to disturb them and the worst happened.

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In YouTube images to a man who shows his kids a weird hole that was embedded in a wall and that mentions that Inside there was a nest of spiders. However, without saying anything, he asks them to leave, because his intention was to enter his hand and remove the nest with total brutality to teach them so-called how nature acts.

"Children fold back" His hand in the hole, "I do not know why I'm afraid they do not even bite," said the man, who also had a little fear of what could happen next.

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On the ground, millions of Spiders start to flee the scene that they consider a threat; However, the man only manages to show admiration for what happened during the tour. For the medium called Unilad, the father replied, "I do not have the habit of harming animals, but I like to teach my children nature," commented the man . On YouTube, the criticism was immediate


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