YouTube: Gonzalo Núñez caused an explosion with Carlos Alberto Navarro live | VIDEO | Trade | Total sports


The co-pilot of Exitosa Deportes Domingo Gonzalo Núñez exploded while questioning the position of his partner in the aforementioned sports program, Carlos Alberto Navarro ]. The images are hosted on the video platform of YouTube .

The experienced journalist accused the "Tigrillo" of changing his stance with respect to Argentine coach Ricardo Gareca.

with Gareca, (you) are a prostitute, or not? " Gonzalo Núñez unleashing the surprise of the members of the aforementioned sports space production team.

Conscious of the tenor of his expression, the Successful journalist promptly withdrew. "Well, I take that word, but now (you) is thrown."

"Take it back quickly because otherwise you'll have it …", responded Carlos Alberto Navarro.

Gonzalo Núñez then changed the expression and accused the "Tigrillo" of being a "geisha" of the former DT of the white-red woman.This can be seen in the clip of YouTube accompanying this note.

"You are a geisha, I was going to jo … to Gareca and now you are a" kitten "", fustigated the former pilot of "América Deportes "

" I must take it as a grace, but if you say it again, you know how I am going to take it, "warned Carlos Alberto Navarro . [1965] 9009] Gonzalo Núñez "title =" Gonzalo Núñez "src =" "style =" display: inline; "/>

Gonzalo Núñez committed an explosion with his colleague (Video: YouTube)

Gonzalo Núñez is the main figure of the sports area of ​​Exitosa Radio y Televisión.The reporter considered yesterday evening that Paolo Guerrero was not optimal level to challenge a good world cup because "he came six months without playing."

In turn, Carlos Alberto Navarro noted that "Peru does not deserve laudable but not critical football." (Elimination) did not win the first match against Denmark.

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