YouTube: hidden tape recorder in his son's backpack and discovered the ill-treatment of his teacher | United States | Abuse of children | Video | World


In the United States, a mother noticed the strange behavior of her son after school hours, so she decided to run a plan and hide a tape recorder in the backpack of the child for 4 days. Upon discovering what happened, she was appalled and filed a complaint against the teacher and today the audios have been posted on YouTube.

This is Kandy Escotto a mother who saw the drastic change in the behavior of her child, so he decided to investigate further on the subject and discovered the hard treatment of the child. Teacher with his little one, a fact that provoked his harsh reaction against the school.

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Little Aaron of only 5 years old was no longer the same since last October in Banyan Elementary School when he entered the course. The notes dwindled, her desire to do her homework was lost and she cried every time she had to go to school.

 Escotto (pictured) said that she was going to school with her complaints. A spokesman for the district said in a statement that he was investigating the claims and that he would take "appropriate disciplinary measures"

One day while he was doing his homework with his son, Kandy Escotto has heard that he was a "Bad Boy" (bad boy), his words pushed the mother to reprimand him and the little one answered that was what the teacher had told him

The situation made him suspect something with his son. and the teacher Rosalba Suarez for this reason she reported the situation to the student authorities; However, far from receiving support, they specified that they could not act without any evidence, so he decided to find what was needed to make his charge valid.

 The accused teacher has been with the district since 1985 and was appointed professor of the year in 2017

He put a tape recorder in the backpack of his son before the authorities refused and recorded 32 hours of recording that he used as evidence for a complaint that he would seek a punishment against Suarez when his ill-treatment was discovered.


"Between Aron and you," losers ", always breaking the rules all the time," said the teacher on the recording. "Raise your hand if you know what it's like to put a bubble, Aaron does not seem to know." "I do not understand, I do not know what I'm going to tell your mother, the only thing I can say is that you can not write." "Your mother wants to see you in a good job or a losing job ." These are some of the words of the teacher who were heard at a press conference.

In Florida, it is illegal to register anyone without his consent, so Kandy Escotto 's attorneys justified the action in court: "In a classroom, it' s illegal to say". a public school, with other children and people coming in and out, not there is the expectation of privacy, "explained the lawyer. "It's not illegal in this situation," he argued.

Today the authorities are investigating the case and the child has been changed class, and according to the mother, his face has changed a lot

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