YouTube: Russian kisses reporter Korean during live broadcast and triggers controversy | Russia 2018 World Cup | Harassment | Viral | Video | World


Controversy on Youtube. The 2018 World Cup in Russia has raised the enthusiasm of the millions of fans who have come together to support their teams; however, the curious stories do not stop, and this time it was a Korean reporter the protagonist of one of them.

On YouTube the exact moment when Kwon Qwal was shared of the South Korean TV channel MBN reported on the latest World Cup events, when moment two beautiful Russians approached and began to kiss him

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Women stormed Live broadcast of Qwal with the intention of showing their "affection", the two not hesitating to kiss him. give him a tender kiss on the cheek. Although the journalist tried to maintain his composure, he could not help laughing at the curious moment of his life.

 Korean Journalist

Although the man took the act with a good attitude, reactions from YouTube users and social networks were immediate, describing the # 39, act as a harassment against the journalist, so he was asked to report the incident on social networks as his female colleagues, who were also the target of similar situations.

Some comments on the networks indicated that it was a new case of harassment, but they do not give importance because "the victim is a man " they therefore require that one be treated with the same severity as a woman's."

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