YouTube: The American police stabbed in the United States and ended up riddled | New Jersey Shooting | Video | World


A tape on YouTube horrified users, because the front camera of a policeman took the exact moment when he shot a man after receiving a dagger for no reason, causing his death in a matter of minutes

The tragic event occurred on Tuesday by the District Attorney's Office Atlantic County (United States), reports CBS Philly . Where a crate ended up shooting with bullets an African American man who stabbed him from one moment to the next while they were investigating a road accident.

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The incident captured by the police and broadcast to YouTube exposes the scene of a traffic accident in the Atlantic City, located in the state of New Jersey, where the police were taking information to clarify the case, when the attacker came into scene.

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Images captured by the front show that the African American totally oblivious to the accident that was being investigated has was launched against the officer in uniform, that he managed to hurt. Then the officer orders him to throw his knife and throw himself on the ground, but after receiving no positive response, he decides to shoot several times.

According to local media reports, the abuser was transferred to a hospital where he died due to his gunshot wounds. While the policeman attacked by Timothy Deal, the 32-year-old African-American, received medical treatment and was later released.

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Up to now, they continue investigations to clarify the case are spreading on YouTube, since no one explains why Deal decided to attack while he was not involved in the case.

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