YouTube: The terrifying birth of pig with the face of man generated panic in the world | China | Viral | Video | World


A terrifying video on YouTube caught the attention of millions of users who were appalled by an unusual birth because in China the owners of a farm exposed to the raising of one of their pigs with a particular shape: he had the face of a human.

By means of the band shared in YouTube by a farmer in the province of Guangdong China, users of the web platform were able to witness the unusual discovery of the pig with the face of a person, fact that has awakened a series of theories among people.

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In the recording broadcast on social networks you can see the precise moment where the animal is held and his disturbing face has human features. A wide forehead and separate eyes attracted attention, in addition to a trunk identical to that of an elephant, some did not hesitate to indicate that it looked like a creature created in the laboratory.



After The Daily Mail This strange disease is due to a genetic mutation known as "cyclops syndrome Which ended with the little animal's life in just two days after he was born, as he also had breathing problems, as the YouTube tape shows.

"Look at this monster with an elephant trunk, goose bumps and human face," says the farm's owner in the viralized video in YouTube which has managed to anger animal lovers by the abruptness with which he is treated to show his face in record, even if he had respiratory problems.

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