YouTube: This is the suggestion of Martin Liberman who would open the doors of Ricardo Gareca's renovation in Peru | VIDEO | Trade | Total sports


Contrary to the common of his Argentine colleagues, the sports journalist Martín Liberman does not believe that the best solution for the football team of his country is to oust Jorge Sampaoli from his position.

Although some did not realize this, it would benefit the interests of the FPF and millions of Peruvian fans. How? We explain it to you by listening to the video of YouTube which accompanies this note.

In his Channel 26 show, the Red Liberman's # 26 has made it clear that the solution to the crisis of the national team is not going away from a technician who came up with a five year plan.

"Taking into account that (Sampaoli) they went to get him, that they paid the termination of the contract, that they made him five years of contract, that they miss four years and a half for the World Cup and just eight for the Copa America I would leave that to the Copa America and then I would make the decision that I should do, what's the good of giving up now if what we have in suspense is two friendly farts? ", Started in the clip of YouTube that accompanies this note

" Leave it until the Copa America and you'll throw it in. And the one that comes will have three The World Cup is played in December 2022. It will seem crazy to me that the AFA pays him such compensation "The Copa América must be the turning point, if the team resurfaced, remains if she disappoints again, she will leave, "he concludes in YouTube .

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<p id= Martin Liberman on his Channel 26. (Video: Channel 26 / YouTube)

It has been said that Jorge Sampaoli has signed a contract with the AFA that would have a clause of unilateral rescission at case where the results of the Copa America would not be positive.

In case the "Little Man" would continue to command the Argentine team would be reduced one of the possibilities that Ricardo Gareca – in addition to renewing with Peru – to continue his career as a coach.

Just wait to know if Colombia, for example, also offers to the Argentine coach to take the reins at least until today Nestor Pekerman experienced

Although the FPF offered to Ricardo Gareca All conditions for renewal after termination of their contractual relationship, the " Tiger "chose to take some time to meditate his decision

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