YouTube: topic touched private parts to the waitress and received a brutal lesson | Sexual harassment | Emelia Holden | Video | World


Via YouTube a video was viralized between users in the United States and the world, because the cameras of an establishment captured the precise moment when a waitress was victim of unduly touching by a bar customer;

This is Emelia Holden a 21 year old girl who decided not to become another victim of a macho attack, after someone tried to l & # 39; humiliate. touch your private parts. His response was captured by the camera and received support from Internet users in YouTube and social networks.

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The attack was recorded on Vinnie Van Go-Go in Savannah, Georgia where a subject passed behind Holden and touches his private parts. Then the furious young woman reacts strongly and ends up hitting him against the wall in front of the other guests' misguided air.

"I did what I felt was the best." The comrades called the police, as soon as officers saw the security cameras, they immediately arrested him he was in prison until Monday, so I think he had what he deserved, "Holden told the English newspaper. ] after becoming a heroine for thousands of women.

Up to now, it is not known whether the young woman filed a lawsuit against her abuser; However, she claims that what she experienced should not be lived by a woman, so she did not hesitate to send a powerful message urging never to remain inactive and to defend their rights against the aggressors .

"All I want from my experiences is that women know that it's good to defend yourself, you have the right to put what you want and without hesitation, you have the right to defend yourself ". young.

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