Pete Buttigieg has "enormous respect" for Hillary Clinton, stating that she was "badly served" by the strategy and the media environment in 2016


Buttigieg, a Democratic presidential candidate, was questioned by CNN's subsidiary, WSBT, in Indiana, about the negative reactions he received on Friday about comments he made in January about the Clinton campaign.

"Just for the sake of clarity, I think America would be a much better place if she was president," said Buttigieg. "That's why I voted for her and that's why I campaigned for her, and I have tremendous respect for Secretary Clinton."

On Friday, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill criticized Buttigieg for his comments in January on Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Buttigieg told Washington Post magazine in an interview published in January: "Donald Trump was elected because, in a twisted way, he pointed to the enormous problems of our economy and our democracy." He added: "At least he did not say that America was already big, like Hillary."
Merrill called Buttigieg's comments "indefensible" and tweeted"Hillary Clinton believed in this country and in the most progressive platform of modern political history." Trump ran to pessimism, racism, false promises and vitriol, interpret it as you wish, but 66 million people do not agree, good luck. "

Asked by WSBT on Merrill's tweet on Saturday, Buttigieg said in the industrial Midwest that the 2016 Democratic candidate "said everything was fine and we had to believe in the system, and that was not convincing".

"And even though people knew that the president was not a very good character, I think a lot of people voted for him just to burn down the house because the system had let us down in so many ways," he continued.

"That's the point that concerns me," Buttigieg said. "It's not a blow against anyone – it's a question of how we can learn from the last election and apply it to get better results in the next election."

The mayor, who is 37, has formed a presidential exploratory committee. If he was elected, he would be the youngest president in the history of the United States and the first married gay president.


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