Pete Buttigieg, in town hall, could not name a living Republican whom he "respects"


The 2020 presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, in Indiana, has had a hard time appointing a living Republican whom he respects when asked at an assembly Monday.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews warned Buttigieg, a Democrat, that the previous questions were "easy" and that the "hard questions" were approaching.

"Quote some of your public figures – Republicans you respect," Matthews said, quickly pointing out: "living Republicans".

This question visibly deflated the presidential candidate and made the public in Fresno laugh.

"Aw, I had such a good answer if it was not alive," Buttigieg responded.

After Matthews announced "Abraham Lincoln" and "Teddy Roosevelt", the mayor of South Bend told the MSNBC animator that he had a "better" one, which was the presidential candidate for the GOP in 1940, Wendell Willkie.


"He was from Indiana, he put the country before the party," said Buttigieg.

The animator "Hardball" quickly moved on, without hearing the name of a Republican living buttigieg respected. The Democrat was very critical of President Trump during the election campaign and often spoke to Vice President Mike Pence to share his views on LGBT issues.


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