Pete Buttigieg reflects on his exit from a frank debate


"You know, as a military officer working under the name of Don 't Ask Don' t Tell and elected in the state of Indiana, when Mike Pence was governor, at at one point, in terms of professional setbacks, I had to admit to being just what I was, was going to be the ultimate professional setback, ending a career, "said Buttigieg during the debate, moderated by ABC News. "I came back from the deployment and realized that you only lived one life and that I did not want to know what it was like to be in love.

"So, I just came out, I did not know what kind of setbacks it would be, especially because, unfortunately, it was a year of re-election in my socially conservative community," he added. "What happened was when I trusted voters to judge me based on the work I did for them, so they decided to trust me and re-elect me with 80% of the votes. What I've learned is that trust can be mutual win and deserve to win is knowing what's more for you than winning. "

Buttigieg's response marks a break with a debate largely defined by clashes between candidates over health and foreign policy issues.
Buttigieg's story is not his entire story – or his campaign – it's an essential part of his identity. Voters said it distinguished him from other candidates in the crowded Democratic primary.

Buttigieg closed his answer by stating that the 2020 election was not about the candidates on stage nor President Donald Trump, but rather the "people who trust us."

"We need to know what we are and this election does not concern any of us here.It is not this president, even if it is difficult to talk about something else certain days. It's about people who trust us, a child who is wondering if we will really secure his school after learning active shooter exercises before he learned to read.A generation who wonders if we will really do the same. work on climate change, "he said.

"And if we stick to that, no matter what happens to each of us professionally, together we will gain a better era for our country."


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