Pete Buttigieg says that he did not understand the context of the phrase "all lives matter" in 201


Buttigieg spoke of his past comment after a speech to the National Action Network, a politically powerful organization founded by Reverend Al Sharpton. Critics of the Black Lives Matter movement have used the phrase "all lives matter" to rebuff the idea that more attention needs to be paid to the death of afro men and women. Americans at the hands of the forces of the order.

"At that time I was talking about many issues of racial reconciliation in our community. What I did not understand at the time was that this sentence, which took place shortly before mid-2015, was beginning to be seen as a kind of countermeasure. Black Lives Matter's slogan, "said Buttigieg." And so, this statement, which sounds very innocuous and that no one could object to, was ultimately used to devalue what the Black Lives Matter movement was telling us. "

He added, "This is the contribution of Black Lives Matter and that's one reason why, since I know how this phrase was used to repel this activism, I stopped using it in this context."

Buttigieg, who launched a presidential exploratory committee earlier this year, said that "all lives matter" during his 2015 State of the City address.

"There is no contradiction between the respect for the risks that police officers face every day in protecting this community and the need to overcome the implicit biases of a justice system that treats people differently." different origins, even when they are charged with the same offenses, "Buttigieg said then. "We must take both of these things seriously, for the simple and profound reason that all lives matter."

Lis Smith, spokesman for the mayor, defended the comment, claiming that this had been done "in the context of the debate on racial reconciliation in his 2015 speech on the state of the city".

"He believes that black lives matter and this has been reflected in his actions as mayor of South Bend," Smith said.

Some politicians had political problems in the 2016 election for declaring that "all lives matter".

The former Maryland governor, Martin O 'Malley, was booed at the Netroots Nation's liberal conference in 2015 for declaring that "all lives mattered" and the 2016 candidate would excuse later for this "mistake".

Hillary Clinton, the proposed candidate, also made the mistake of resuming a lesson she had learned from her mother.

"I asked him:" What pushed you? " His answer was very simple, "said Clinton." Kindness along the way of someone who believed that she counted. All lives matter. "

Buttigieg used his speech to the National Action Network Thursday to extol what he had done as mayor of South Bend to fight police brutality and shootings involving an officer, while acknowledging that he had to learn things "the hard way" during his first term. mayor.

The three-day conference currently being held in New York at the National Action Network this week attracts a dozen or so Democratic presidential candidates, including former Beto representative O & # Rourke, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and California Senator Kamala Harris. powerful means of wooing the African-American vote, a demographic group likely to constitute a large group of voters in the Democratic primary.

"Some of the things I've learned about criminal justice reform (…) are things we're learning the hard way in our community, especially at the beginning of my term," Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg said his policy to strengthen African-American communities would focus on homeownership, entrepreneurship, education, health and justice.

"The idea that a rising tide raises all the boats is just not true.Not when some of these boats are still moored deep in the ocean," said Buttigieg, after describing South Bend as a "culturally diverse and largely low-income city, but also a beautiful and generous city" where his government has "worked hard to address the racial inequities that prevent us from becoming the city we want to be. "


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