Peter Mayhew's family shares a tearful moment with Harrison Ford on Twitter


The family of actor Peter Mayhew sent a message touching straight out of the Star Wars saga in response to Harrison Ford's condolences.

Deceased Tuesday at the age of 74, Mayhew played Han Solo's Chewbacca in one of the most iconic duets in the history of cinema. But the affection was also real offscreen.

"We have been partners in the cinema and friends in life for over 30 years," Ford said in a statement. "I liked it."

Mayhew's death was announced by his family via his social media accounts. They took Twitter to send this answer to Ford:

The answer is a reminder of an iconic moment on screen between Han Solo and Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia in "The Empire Strikes Back" (repeated in Reverse in the Jedi):

A commemorative service will be held on June 29 for family and friends, Mayhew's family announced. A public event for fans will be held in Los Angeles in December.


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