Peter Parker would be forced to kill [SPOILERS] In the MCU


Tom holland’s Spider Man has been characterized by his youthful exuberance and wide-eyed enthusiasm that he brings to almost any situation, which usually involves him being out of his depth. The MCU’s Peter Parker wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he would activate Instant Kill on the battlefield when the fate of the universe is in play.

The third installment of the web-slinging franchise has been running for a few weeks now, but so far the only new additions to the set are Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange and Jamie Foxx’s Electro, which makes it pretty obvious that the multiverse is in play. And after Back home and Far from home Having garnered solid reviews and exceptional box office activity, Sony and Marvel Studios will no doubt seek to keep their working relationship intact for as long as possible.

There is literally no way that Spider-Man 3 will even be something close to the end of the line for Holland’s Spidey, then, and we’ve now heard from our sources – the same ones who told us Thor: love and thunder will adapt Jane Foster’s cancer script months before Natalie Portman confirms it – only in a future web-slinger movie, Peter Parker will be forced to kill his best friend Ned Leeds.

Ever since Jacob Batalon’s comic book rescue companion officially received a last name, speculation has linked him to a possible turn to the dark side, following in his comic book counterpart’s footsteps and becoming Hobgoblin. These rumors shifted gears when it was revealed that the actor had lost over 100 pounds, which led to theories that the seeds could be sown as soon as Spider-Man 3, and it does appear to be the case.

According to our information, Ned will end up losing his entire family in an accident and he will hold Spidey personally responsible for it, resulting in his slow transformation into Hobgoblin, with his former best friend ultimately having to kill him when things happen. from the hand. It’s heavy enough for a Spider Man movie, and we don’t expect to see it until at least the fourth installment in the franchise, but we’re told that’s definitely the direction Marvel is heading in right now and it’ll be interesting to see how the next three start to go. set the stage for Ned’s dark turn.


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