Pfizer CEO Pledges To Accelerate Vaccine Development Within 100 Days


Pfizer CEO vows to accelerate vaccine development to less than 100 days to combat ‘high probability’ that mutant variants of Covid will render current vaccines ineffective

  • Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, spoke at a virtual summit in Davos on Friday
  • Bourla said they are working to speed up the vaccine creation process
  • COVID-19 vaccines created in record time: Bourla said they had to go faster
  • The CEO also warned that in the future vaccines may not be effective

The CEO of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has revealed his company is trying to speed up vaccine development to less than 100 days, warning that there is a “ strong possibility ” that vaccines in the future will not be effective.

New York-based Pfizer was the first company in the world to produce a COVID-19 vaccine, which is currently administered worldwide.

Still, Albert Bourla, CEO, told the Virtual Davos World Economic Forum 2021 that vaccines may one day not be a solution, in a session held on Friday.

“It is very likely that one day this will happen,” Bourla said, according to Business Insider.

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, spoke at a virtual summit in Davos on Friday

His company's COVID-19 vaccine was the first to be approved

His company’s COVID-19 vaccine was the first to be approved

Bourla said Pfizer is working to speed up vaccine research and development in case this happens.

Bourla said that in preparation for future pandemics, they intended to move from recognizing the threat of the disease to obtaining a licensed vaccine in less than 100 days – a timeframe even shorter than the The 300-day target set by the Trump administration’s Operation Warp last year. Speed.

COVID-19 vaccinations have been developed at record speed, due to technological advancements, massive funding and the public’s willingness to participate in the trials.

Bourla was one of four speakers on a panel discussing the need for collaboration between businesses and governments to tackle future threats to human health.

He was joined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Ine Eriksen Soreide; the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus; German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn; and Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation Coalition.

Bourla warned the world cannot become complacent about vaccines

Bourla warned the world cannot become complacent about vaccines

Bourla said Pfizer was working to speed up vaccine development process

Bourla said Pfizer was working to speed up vaccine development process

Hatchett stressed the need to prepare for recurrence, according to the site.

“Governments must recognize that emerging infectious diseases and pandemic threads pose an existential threat to our society,” said Hatchett, former director of the Advanced Biomedical Research and Development Authority.

“They are an emerging property of our way of life.

Hatchett said governments must invest in preparedness for future pandemics, warning that future pandemics could be even more deadly.


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