Philip Rivers blows up the interception magazine


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Colts quarterback Philip Rivers was not happy when an incomplete pass he threw was replaced with an instant replay interception today.

Rivers said no player on either team – including Ravens cornerback Marcus Peters, who has been credited with the interception – actually believed Peters caught Rivers’ pass. But the NFL Officials Department said Peters had possession of it.

“He’s gotten so addicted to how the catch rule is,” Rivers said. “No one who played football or was in the game watched it and thought it was a trap, including the guy who let it down. But you can slow it down to a few milliseconds and you can make it a tech about three feet off the ground, even if someone sitting back, watching, probably hasn’t thrown a soccer ball in their life, can call it.

It’s easy to see why Rivers is upset. The NFL’s catch rule is what it is, but common sense says Peters did not have possession of the soccer ball.


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