$ 0.20 EPS expected for Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (WAIR)


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Market News


July 14, 2018 – By Hazel Jackson

Investor sentiment declined to 0.83 in the first quarter of 2018. It is down 0.44 from 1.27 in 2017Q4. It plunged, as 15 investors sold shares of Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. while 39 reduced their holdings. 17 funds opened positions while 28 raised issues. 87.93 million shares, or 1.19% more, compared with 86.90 million shares in the fourth quarter of 2017.
Rhumbline Advisers said 54,416 shares. Cutter & Brokerage holds 41,650 shares for 0.17% of its portfolio. Stone Ridge Asset Mngmt Ltd. Com has invested 0.01% in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR). State Street owns 2.34 million shares, or 0% of its US portfolio. Cna Fincl Corp has accumulated 45,770 shares. Carlyle Gp Ltd Partnership has invested 9.75% of its portfolio in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR). New York-based Bnp Paribas Arbitrage invested 0% in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR). Gsa Prns Llp declared a stake of 0.07%. Ontario – The Royal Bank of Canada, headquartered in Canada, has invested 0% in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR). Deutsche Financial Bank Ag has invested 0% of its portfolio in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR). Rutabaga Mgmt Lc Ma holds 3.35% of its portfolio in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) for 1.39 million shares. Jpmorgan Chase Com has accumulated 11,225 shares or 0% of the stock. Architects Inc owns 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Aqr Mngmt Ltd Com holds 0% of its portfolio in Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) for 232,336 shares. Vanguard Group holds 0% or 4.79 million shares in its portfolio.

Since February 14, 2018, there have been 2 purchases and 0 sales of insiders for an activity of $ 5.62 million.

Analysts expect Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) to report earnings per share of $ 0.20 on August 14. They expect a change of US $ 0.10 from US $ 0.10. WAIR's profit would be $ 19.90 million, or 14.31 P / E if EPS of $ 0.20 is correct. Analysts at Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. had previously reported earnings per share of $ 0.22, with earnings per share growth of 9.09%. The stock rose 1.33% or $ 0.15 during the last trading session, reaching $ 11.45. Approximately 258,364 shares were traded. Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) has increased 24.86% since July 14, 2017 and is up. It outperformed the S & P500 by 12.29%.

Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. distributes aerospace products and provides supply chain management services to the aerospace industry in North America and abroad. The company has a market capitalization of $ 1.14 billion. The Company's services include traditional distribution, supplier relationship management, quality assurance, batching, just-in-time delivery, chemical management services, third-party logistics and third-party logistics. and inventory management at the point of use. He currently has negative gains. The company supplies approximately 565,000 active storage units, including equipment, chemicals, electronic components, bearings, tools and machined parts.

More news on Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) .com, which published: "The Trump Tumble Tumble Bring Down Those 3 Aerospace Actions" on July 11, 2018. The L & # 39; Investorplace.com article titled: "Lockheed Martin Wins $ 365 Million Contract for its Missile Programs" and published June 22, 2018 is another important article

 Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. ( NYSE: WAIR) Institutional Positions Table "title =" Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: WAIR) Institutional Positions Chart "/> </p>
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By Hazel Jackson

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