"13 Reasons Why" – Does it promote mental health awareness or glorify suicide and depression?


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For strangers, "13 Reasons Why" is a television series for teenagers on Netflix, based on Jay Asher's novel published in 2007 of the same title. Her first producer is pop star Selena Gomez.

The first season revolves around the story of Clay Jensen, a 17-year-old high school student who receives a box of tapes of his friend Hannah Baker before she commits

Clay walks the tapes a by one and discovers the 13 reasons why Hannah decided to take her life

It is revealed that Hannah was stabbed by her friends, became a victim of false gossips, hunted down, molested and raped. It also shows the impact of Hannah's suicide, how it affected her school, her parents and the people she mentioned on the tapes.

The second season revolves around the case against the school and the guy who raped Hannah. He revealed to have abused and raped other women too. He also discusses how the consequences of his suicide still affect lives.

A few weeks after the release of season 2, it was announced that the show would have a third season, scheduled for release in 2019.


Since its broadcast, " 13 Reasons Why "divided the audience. There are those who think the show is good because it portrays reality and promotes mental health awareness. Others think that he promotes and glorifies suicide and depression.

Fans claim that "13 Reasons Why" makes people more aware of suicide, depression and the problems teens are facing and that they are starting a discussion between peers and families. "I like the show because it forces people to face the reality, since the issues need to be discussed, not pushed under a rug," said Chris Bedell, contributor for Thought Catalog.

"I like it for (actor) Zach Dempsey, and because it covers a wide range of issues and raises awareness," said Adrienne Alvarez, a grade 10 student in school Mater Carmeli of Novaliches. "This has taught me that we must fight for what is right and for what we believe in."

Non-fans, however, claim that while the show approaches the how suicide affects the family and friends of the deceased,

No warning.

"I struggle with depression, and show romance the idea that you could save someone depressed by love, "said Dominique Zurbano, Correspondent Student of Inquirer To You." I also hate that he does not put any warning before every episode, whereas the content could trigger disruptive thoughts and emotions in viewers who are experiencing health problems "

Added Angelo Gonzalez, another student correspondent To be You," I would not recommend it to people with depression. It shows suicide as a means of revenge, or as a means of relieving pain. "

" I think that they are intentionally using very triggering situations for shock value, "said Kendra Syrdal, author of Thought Catalog. 13 Reasons Why" contains very graphic depictions of suicide, depression , self-harm, rape and physical violence that can be very upsetting to watch. If you are having difficulty or have mental health problems, it is recommended to avoid the show altogether or to watch it with an adult or a person you trust, as this may trigger certain emotions.

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