3D color radiography developed by CERN that could revolutionize the medical industry


Color radiography, the first of its kind ever developed, was used for the first time in a human patient.

Iconic X-rays in black and white may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to the development of a new color x-ray system by New Zealand scientists.

Technology is called Medipix, and it's pretty extraordinary. It was developed by CERN's European laboratory and uses the same particle tracking technology as the Large Hadron Collider.

Color radiography is clearer, sharper and easier to look at than traditional X-rays. In addition, you can see muscle, cartilage and bone, giving doctors a more complete 3D rendering of what is happening in the body of someone, reported Yahoo News ]. Even more than that, color radiography can show water, fat, and even markers of disease.

Black and white X-rays use rays to create an image by radiating a ray across the body. The result is that the denser parts of the body like the bones are clearer, while the soft tissues are harder to see.

Meanwhile, the new technology uses a "Spectral CT" scanner with a Medipix3 chip that counts subatomic particles. collide with pixels. Not only that, the information is traversed by an algorithm, to create the final, detailed image New Atlas.

Technology works by "detecting and counting individual subatomic particles as they collide with pixels" Developer Phil Butler of the University of Canterbury explained that "small pixels and accurate resolution of energy mean that this new imaging tool is capable of obtaining images that no other imaging tool can achieve. "[19659009] The color comes to the shelves X!
CERN chip enables first 3D image of human body color X-ray https://t.co/4PQz86rogw #AI #Medical pic.twitter.com/ r2DpNvZDHH [19659003] – Willson Nige (@nigewillson) July 12, 2018

The tool has recently been tested on a human for the first time, with astonishing results. Another developer, Anthony Butler, said, "In all of these studies, promising results suggest that when spectral imaging is commonly used in clinics, it will allow more accurate diagnosis and personalization of treatment."

Clinical tests should take place in the next month in New Zealand. [19659003] This comes just a month after CERN scientists updated the Large Hadron Collider. This is the result of a decade of work that cost about $ 953 million. The upgrade will allow scientists to look at even more data because now the number of particle collisions has been multiplied by ten, according to Reuters . In fact, last year, the LHC produced 3 million Higgs bosons, while the LHC will produce at least 15 million Higgs bosons per year.

Director-General Fabiola Gianotti said: "For me, solving the mystery of the dark matter of the universe would be something great … Of course, it would be fantastic to produce the dark matter particle in the collision of the LHC beams. "

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