750,000 displaced Syrians returned home in the first half of 2018 – UN


There are an estimated 750,000 internally displaced Syrians who have returned home in the first half of 2018, nearly as many as last year, said Friday. United Nations. The return rate this year has clearly exceeded that of 2017, when it is estimated that 760,000 people have returned to their homes

UNHCR said that in 2017, it had "increased its capabilities in Syria" by anticipating that more IDPs would return to their homes in certain areas as the dynamics of the Syrian conflict change. 19659005] The rise in returns came as the record numbers were shifted elsewhere.

Last month, the UN humanitarian office in Syria said that the first four months of 2018 saw 920,000 people The move was triggered by the escalation of fighting in the country. former rebel stronghold of eastern Ghouta and in the province of Idlib, in the northwest of the country, the main bastion of Syrian insurgents.

More than six million Syrians remain displaced in Syria, while 5.6 million live abroad as refugees.

UNHCR said only 13,000 refugees returned to Syria in the first half of the year. / vvp

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